Friday, September 21, 2012

Mom Knows Best


Well, the day has finally come. My three beloved high chairs are gone.

As I've confessed before, I love the security they give (oops, gave) me. While the boys were nestled in their chairs I felt safe to run downstairs and change laundry or even go to the bathroom without fearing bloodshed in my absence.

But they are far too big to be lifted into high chairs, which also makes their recent habit of climbing into them a danger. I'm pretty sure those bars across the legs aren't built to hold 36 pounds of bouncing boy (that's Everett, for the record).

My mom was visiting this week and she suggested moving the table and chairs from their room into the kitchen rather than tackle my complicated idea of turning the high chairs into stools and buying an island built to a specific size...some people will do anything to avoid a little work.

And I'm happy to report they're all doing fine, much better than I expected. As usual, I'm realizing it's me who finds change difficult, not them!

As much as it pains me to admit, I'm glad I listened to my mother.



I never thought about how the high chairs actually gave you a bit of freedom. I have an almost six-year-old who mans the fort when I run somewhere. We've been without a high chair for awhile and now that Ada is sitting up it's coming back out and I'm wanting to cry because of it. The darn thing always seems to be in the way! Funny, how no matter what the change it can be annoying at first.

You have some good little boys there. Cute, too! I'm glad you had your mom around to figure out a new way of eating. 


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