Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy Birthday, Twins


The boys’ 2nd birthday party with Levi’s family in the UP was great. This is the ridiculously yummy cake my mother-in-law made. If I had a big enough plate I’d just slice off that frosting and eat it straight up. Butter cream. You have no idea.

Of course they would have been satisfied receiving just these adorable toy cars from their cake. Well, at least for that day…I sure appreciate the generous gifts that will help get us through a long Minnesota winter!

Oh, and the best gift for very busy 2 year old boys? Etch-a-sketches. I ordered these to replace the dollar store “tester-sketches” we bought this summer and they were a hit.

(Everett’s covered in skittles; Levi took a chin-dive the minute we walked in. So much for birthday photos!)

Wish you guys and the girls could have been there!


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